We asked our current Grantees to suggest just one item that’s at the top of their Wish Lists. Some requested gift cards, some would like one (or many!) of you for a volunteer gig. Many have upcoming fundraising galas. We encourage you to send an email to an address below with the simple message, “Yes! I want to help!”
Career Collaborative
- Mission Statement: Career Collaborative helps motivated, low-income adults set and reach the challenging but attainable goal of getting and succeeding at a good job with career potential.
- Wish List Item: Volunteers to conduct practice interviews with clients.
- Organization Contact: Susan Schiro (susan@careercollaborative.org)
- Mission Statement: Coaching4Change blends coach education, literacy, and leadership to empower and employ teenagers.
- Wish List Item: $25 donation to provide a uniform for a high school student employee.
- Organization Contact: Marquis Taylor (marquis@c4cinc.org)
Compass Working Capital
- Mission Statement: Compass Working Capital provides incentive-based savings and financial coaching programs that empower working, low-income families to build assets, achieve their financial goals, and become financially secure.
- Wish List Item: $25 gift card to local grocery or big box store, to help low-income families stretch their budgets and save toward major financial goals.
- Organization Contact: Jimmy Stuart (jstuart@compassworkingcapital.org)
Family Nurturing Center
- Mission Statement: The mission of Family Nurturing Center is to work with others to build nurturing communities where children are cherished, families are supported, and healthy human development is promoted by all.
- Wish List Item: New infant board books or toddler story books to distribute in our Welcome Baby gift bags and at our Parent-Child play groups. Amazon gift cards or online donations for this purpose are also welcome!
- Event Opportunity: Join Family Nurturing Center (FNC) in the Rodman Ride for Kids! Whether you’d like to make a donation, volunteer at the hospitality tent, or get on your bike and pedal 25, 50 or 100 miles, Team FNC has a place for you!
- Organization Contact: Valerie Bean (Vbean@familynurturing.org)
Political Asylum/Immigration Representation Project
- Mission Statement: The Political Asylum/Immigration Representation Project (PAIR) has been a nationally recognized pro bono model that works to secure safety and freedom for asylum-seekers who have fled from persecution throughout the world and to promote the rights of immigrants unjustly detained. PAIR provides hope and a new beginning to asylum-seekers, torture survivors and immigration detainees.
- Wish List Item: Volunteer interpreters to assist with the intake of an asylum seeker (about 2 hours – especially Spanish, French, Arabic interpreters).
- Event Opportunity: This year, the PAIR Gala will be held on Tuesday, June 7, 2016 at the Seaport World Trade Center Harborview Ballroom.
- Organization Contact: Anita Sharma (asharma@pairproject.org)
School on Wheels of MA
- Mission Statement: The mission of School on Wheels of Massachusetts is to educate children impacted by homelessness by providing academic support and one-on-one mentoring so children can reach their full potential.
- Wish List Item: New, good quality backpacks for high school students impacted by homelessness. Each School on Wheels student is provided with the tools needed for success in the classroom — a brand new backpack filled with supplies and books, assembled by our community volunteers.
- Event Opportunity: 100 Family Challenge is a matching gifts program that asks 100 families to donate $100 each to support School on Wheels of Massachusetts. Every dollar raised by July 15 is matched 100% by our seed donor, The Weed Family.
- Organization Contact: schoolonwheels@sowma.org
Sibling Connections
- Mission Statement: The primary goal of Sibling Connections is to support the creation of enduring family relationships and community connections for sisters and brothers who experience foster care. Our work is accomplished through innovative programs and practices that restore and strengthen the lives of siblings who have been separated when placed in the public foster care system.
- Wish List Item: Help out at a weekend retreat that reconnects siblings separated in foster care. Volunteers can bring a meal, lead an activity, take pictures, play a game, help with an art project, or just hang out with the kids. Volunteers also needed at summer camp.
- Event Opportunity: Kelley and the Sibling Connections Board of Directors are offering 20 tickets to their 2016 Gala (Friday, April 8th at 6:30 – 10:30pm at The Center for Arts at the Armory). Send Kelley an email to let her know if you would like a ticket (or two). Join your fellow TPC members and support Sibling Connections.
- Organization Contact: Kelley Lane (kelleyl.lane@gmail.com)
Silver Lining Mentoring
- Mission Statement: Our mission is to empower youth in foster care to flourish through committed mentoring relationships and the development of essential life skills.
- Wish List Item: $25 gift card to CVS, Stop & Shop, or Target to support a young person transitioning from foster care to independent living.
- Event Opportunity: Silver Lining Mentoring’s 7th Annual Gala (June 8, 2016)
- Organization Contact: Alyson Molloy Hussey (alyson@silverliningmentoring.org)