The Philanthropy Connection welcomes and is grateful for donations from individuals, foundations, businesses, and corporations, to help supplement our grant pool, underwrite our member education programs, and to offset our administrative expenses.
Donations to The Philanthropy Connection are 100% tax deductible.
If you are interested in donating stock please send a request to connect@thephilanthropyconnection.org and you will be contacted with specific instructions.
Many companies offer a matching gift for an employee’s donation. Is yours here?
Matching funds from employers help offset our educational and programming costs, like trainings for grant team members, events for our Young Philanthropists and Fellows, and so much more. Please consider contacting your employer about matching your donations to TPC.
If you encounter any problems, please email connect@thephilanthropyconnection.org.
Becoming a Sponsor
Sponsorship packages are flexible, and we encourage our sponsors to choose the best level for them.
TPC’s 2024-2025 Sponsorship Levels include:
- Catalyzer: $8,000+
- Ally: $5,000 – $7,999
- Collaborator: $2,000 – $4,999
- Supporter: up to $1,999
For more information on becoming a sponsor, please email connect@thephilanthropyconnection.org, or use the button below.
Benefits of Corporate Sponsorship
TPC offers its Corporate Sponsors many benefits, including but not limited to, the following:
- TPC memberships for employees, board members, or other organizational stakeholders with access to TPC’s professional development, continuing education, and networking opportunities;
- Recognition on TPC’s website, social media, and materials;
- Invitations to TPC events to meet with members and grantee organizations;
- Opportunities to host events for employees, clients, or others with TPC’s support;
- Targeted involvement with a women’s collective giving group that is dedicated to having an impact in Greater Boston through trust-based philanthropy and with an equity lens.
Are you looking for that perfect gift for a woman you know? Friends, wives, mothers, daughters, and employees are among our current members who have been recipients of a Gift Membership in The Philanthropy Connection.
Having my TPC membership sponsored has been an enormous gift. I have gained so much more beyond the monetary value. My time with TPC will continue to bolster my career and add color to my personal life for years to come. I’ve gained leadership experience and now sit on TPC’s Board, and philanthropic knowledge with increased awareness of local issues and non-profit organizations. Most importantly, I have acquired a network of amazing, talented, and generous women I now count among my friends. My mentor may not even realize how much she has gifted me with her sponsorship – but I’ll make an effort to let her know! – Erin Cooper, Former TPC Board Member
Each year, there are several women who express interest in joining TPC but are unable to financially contribute to our membership investment requirement. You can help TPC continue to grow by sponsoring a member.
You do not need to be a TPC member to give a Gift Membership…although sharing the TPC experience certainly is a lot of fun!
Young people don’t usually get a seat at the table where big decisions are made, but TPC’s fellowship changed that for me. I received not only a holistic and transparent view into how social projects get funded, but also exposure to experiences and people who helped me formulate my own perspective on what kind of philanthropic system we as a society should be working toward. After my fellowship ended, I opted to stay a member because TPC embodies the kind of system I believe is most effective – incorporating numerous and diverse voices, marrying rigorous debate and strong due diligence with tremendous compassion, and proving that even a little can go a long way when we come together. – Cassandra Trujillo, Current TPC Board Member
Sponsor a member or give the gift of membership with a tax-deductible investment at the level you are most able to provide.
100% of your donation to TPC is tax deductible.
Thank You to Our Sponsors
Our leaders, members, and grantees are grateful for the support from our TPC Sponsors, past and present!