August/September 2018 Newsletter

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August/September 2018

Learn more about TPC’s 2018-2019 Grantees

Fall Kick-off Letter from TPC President Susan Benford

Dear TPC Community,

After awarding grants to 10 remarkable non-profits  on May 31, TPC ratcheted down activities for members so we could tend to summer housecleaning and planning for fall and next year. And what a fall it will be! Here are some of the events and dates to save on your calendar:

New Member Orientations
If you’ve joined TPC within the last year, this is an opportunity to learn about our history, how we operate, our grant process… and have any and all questions answered.    

September 5 (Belmont), 6:30 to 8:30 pm

September 26 (Cambridge), 6:30 to 8:30 pm

Connect the Dots

Overwhelmingly, the number of new TPC members are referred by existing ones. Do you have a co-worker, daughter, gym buddy, book club pal, or neighbor who might be interested in our model and community? Please invite her to one of these upcoming CTDs, and include her name when you RSVP. And don’t worry if you can’t attend – we’ll take good care of her!

September 13 (Arlington), 6:30 to 8:30 pm
Our guest speaker will be TPC grantee School on Wheels Massachusetts.

November 7 (Rockport), 6:30 to 8:30 pm
Our guest speaker will be TPC grantee Health Care Without Walls.        

This season’s CTDs are generously supported by TPC’s long-time sponsor Cambridge Trust Company.

PS: We are always looking for members to host or co-host CTDs. Please contact Sandy Lawrence if you are interested in learning more.

Philanthropy Dialogues
The theme for this year’s Dialogues is “Life on the Economic Margins,” with our focus trained on disparities in access to justice, education, opportunities, and health care in Greater Boston.

September 20 (Cambridge), 6:30 to 8:30 pm
Driving this conversation about access to justice will be grantees Community Legal Services & Counseling Center and Justice at Work.

October 30 (Brookline), 6:30 to 8:30 pm
Our guests will focus on access to education with TPC grantees Budget Buddies, Enroot, and Resilient Coders.

Our Philanthropy Dialogues are supported by the Center of Women and Wealth at Brown Brothers Harriman, whose generosity allows us to hold these educational events.


Special Event: Lunch and Learn
“Diversity in Non-profit Leadership….or Lack Thereof”
Drawing on recent data and a variety of non-profit sector experience, Jennifer Aronson of The Boston Foundation will explore with us why the percentage of people of color in Executive Director/CEO roles has remained under 20% for the last 15 years, even as the country and the people non-profits serve have become more and more diverse, and what we as philanthropists can do to effect change.

October 29 (Boston), 12:00 to 1:00 pm

Grant Review Process
Signing up for a Grant Review Team to help do our most important work starts on October 15 so watch your inbox! The initial applications for funding, or Letters of Intent (LOI) applications, are due on December 10.

Other Important Events/Dates

The Women’s Collective Giving Grant-Makers Network (WCGN) Conference is October 21 to 23 in Philadelphia. This umbrella organization of collective giving groups consists of 14,000 members whose organizations have donated over $100 million to US non-profits. Conference speakers representing TPC are:

  • Fellow Leigh Chandler, who will be discussing Posting and Promoting: Effective Use of Social Media;
  • YP Cassandra Trujillo, who will speak on the panel, Experiences from the Field: Young Philanthropist Programs & Initiatives; and
  • Susan Benford, who will co-lead a panel titled, Managing Growth: Is Bigger Better? and participate in a session, Diversity, Equity, Inclusion: The Essential Journey and Practice.  

Many thanks to Hemenway and Barnes for underwriting the participation of our Young Philanthropists at this Conference!

Philanthropy on the Field
TPC is partnering with Doris Buffett’s Learning by Giving Foundation for Boston’s first large scale, one-day philanthropy event at Fenway Park. On December 1 from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm, over 250 of Boston’s young professionals and emerging leaders will be introduced to the Foundation’s model and philosophy, and will participate in directing over $100,000 in various amounts to participating local non-profits. Learn more about this amazing day.

The Massachusetts Conference for Women
is being held on December 6 at the Boston Convention & Exhibition Center. TPC will have a booth in the Exhibit Hall, offering the 13,000+ women who attend the opportunity to learn more about us. (The conference is sold out, but you may place your name on the waiting list if you are interested in attending.)


More exciting events are in the works, and we will be sharing details soon. Until then, here’s to a pleasant, relaxing finish to our summer as we head into an action-packed fall for TPC!

Susan Benford
President, and Chair, Development Committee


Member Impact: Laura Dziorny and TPC’s Liaison Program

On the evening of August 23, Cambridge Trust Company and Erin Cooper hosted the kick-off meeting for this year’s Liaison Program. It was an excellent start to what promises to be another successful year for TPC’s relationship with the 2018-2019 class of grantees. The program provides the opportunity for TPC members to volunteer to be the main point of contact – the conduit – between our grantees and members. Liaisons keep our grantees up to date on TPC activities and helpful resources, as well as serve as a bridge between our grantees and members. Liaisons keep us informed about the progress our grantees are making in fulfilling their missions, but also let us know about needs of the organization that we may be able to address. We asked Laura Dziorny (pictured right), a multi-year Liaison, to share some of her thoughts and experiences as a participant in this important program.

Interview with TPC Member Laura Dziorny


TPC In The News
Thanks to a recommendation from Fellow Tatiana Joyce, Susan Benford was featured in an in-depth interview that appeared in late July at The interview provides a terrific description of TPC and its mission. Thanks to Tatiana for helping us educate others about our work! 


Shoppers, Unleash Your Giving Power!

Do you know that your online purchases can benefit TPC? These two organizations will donate to TPC when you purchase through them. Although the percentages may seem small, don’t we all know the power of collective donations? Sign up for:

1. iGive, 1,769 companies, including Apple,, and Bloomingdale’s, will donate a percentage of online purchases to TPC. How easy is that? It takes only a few minutes to set up, and with donations ranging from 1.2% to 4%, this adds up quickly. Learn how easily you can establish an iGive account.

Already have an iGive account? Help TPC raise more funds through iGive by sharing this link to sign-up with friends and family (deadline 9/15). When they install the iGive Button and keep it for 90 days iGive will donate an extra $3 to TPC!

2. AmazonSmile ( donates .5% of the price of eligible purchases to TPC. Click the link above, log into your Amazon account, and select The Philanthropy Connection as your charitable organization.

Thank you for this crucial support of TPC! Questions about how to sign up? Let us know at, or at 617-544-7812.


Corporate Sponsor of
Philanthropy Dialogues:
Young Philanthropist
Initiative Sponsor:
Connect the Dots
Events Sponsor:

Copyright © 2018 The Philanthropy Connection. All rights reserved.
Contact email:

The Philanthropy Connection’s mission is to inspire and enable a community of women to learn, grow, and engage in collective giving to support nonprofit organizations that address systemic inequities impacting individuals and families within the greater Boston area.

Phone: 617-544-7812

TPC members include all women who identify as cisgender, transgender, agender, gender queer, and femme. TPC welcomes everyone for whom “woman” is a meaningful identifier or experience.

TPC qualifies as a public charity under section 501(c)(3) for US tax purposes. Our EIN is #46-0665444.