Each TPC Fellow must participate on a Grants Review Team and at least one committee in order to experience first- hand the work that is required to generate meaningful, measurable philanthropy. Below please find descriptions of committees:
Grants Review Teams
Grants Review Teams read and evaluate grant proposals. Their work starts in September and culminates in May, when they recommend a slate of Semi-Finalist organizations to TPC’s full membership. Our members subsequently vote to award grants to a subset of these Semi-Finalists. Teams are comprised of 6-8 TPC members, and are headed by a Captain and Deputy Captain, who are responsible for setting meeting times and locations, training Team members, and ensuring the work gets done according to schedule.
Click here to read Expectations of Grant Review Team members, and to see last year’s calendar.
Membership Committee
The goal of the Membership Committee is to increase, diversify, and retain the membership of The Philanthropy Connection. The Committee works with TPC leadership to identify members who are interested in hosting Connect the Dots gatherings (member recruitment house parties), and develops creative ways to recruit new members. The Committee is also responsible for developing a stewardship/retention plan for current members. If you enjoy meeting lots of like-minded women who are interested in philanthropy, this is the committee for you. The Membership Committee will work closely with the Education & Events Committee, the Marketing & Communications committee, and TPC leadership. Planning will start in September, with the bulk of the work being done in February, March, and April.
Education & Engagement Programs Committee
This committee plans and implements the following:
o Two large all-member events:
- November: Meet TPC’s Grantees
- May/June: Annual Meeting & Grant Awards Announcement
o Three Philanthropy Dialogues: Small group discussions in members’ homes
- October, April, May
o Special Events: Young Philanthropist recruitment event and conference
The committee works closely with the Membership and Marketing & Communications committees to makes sure all events are guest-friendly and welcoming, and that all messaging is consistent and clear. If you like planning and implementing events, this committee is for you.
Marketing & Communication Committee
The Marketing & Communications Committee’s goal is to ensure all of TPC’s communications are coordinated, consistent, and created collaboratively. As such, this committee has a dual role with both strategic and day-to-day responsibilities. The committee works with the communications liaisons from the other committees, including the events, grants and membership committees, to provide oversight in strategically coordinating their communications and ensuring they reflect TPC’s overall vision and editorial/marketing calendar. The Marketing & Communications Committee is also responsible for managing TPC’s shared marketing and communications resources, including the web site, e-newsletter and surveys, and social media. In addition, the committee develops and implements the public relations strategy for TPC. This committee is for anyone who would like to work with the other committees’ communications liaisons, or regularly plan, develop, write, edit, and publish information about TPC, or help with TPC’s public relations and social media campaigns.
Finance & Audit Committee
This committee is responsible for providing financial oversight of The Philanthropy Connection, including the protection and best use of its assets, clear and timely reporting to the Board, and compliance with regulations. Responsibilities include: preparation of the annual budget for Board approval, review of quarterly reports to ensure adherence to the budget, long-range financial planning, record keeping and reporting, maintaining accountability, oversight of the materials submitted for the preparation and timely filing of taxes and required federal and state documents, and oversight and review of the Certified Financial Review or Audit. If you like budgeting and/or learning about the financial aspects of running a non-profit organization, this committee is for you.