DEI Spotlight
Diversity | Equity | Inclusion 

This month, we are excited to share the following resources with you:

  • Podcast: Intersectionality Matters. Podcast from Kimberlé Crenshaw and the African American Policy Forum that brings the theory of intersectionality to life.
  • Video: #StayHopeful series by EmVision Productions (led by TPC Fellow Tariana V. Little) features eight individuals across Greater Boston, from students to frontline workers, on reflections, advice, and visions for themselves and our future in light of COVID-19.
  • Articles and Essays: As Coronavirus Deepens Inequality, Inequality Worsens Its Spread. The pandemic is widening social and economic divisions that also make the virus deadlier, a self-reinforcing cycle that experts warn could have consequences for years to come.
  • Articles and Essays: Getting a Fair Slice of The Pie. As the coronavirus pandemic disproportionately affects already underserved communities, philanthropists need to rethink their priorities.
  • Book: The New Jim Crow by Michelle Alexander. “Invaluable…The New Jim Crow is a timely and stunning guide to the labyrinth of propaganda, discrimination, and racist policies masquerading under other names that comprises what we call justice in America.” – Daily Kos

Want to share feedback, ideas, or resources? Please email us directly at: