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TPC set a goal in our last strategic plan to increase our funding focus on organizations working at the systems level to address inequities affecting the lives of individuals and families in…
Resources Did you know that the number and impact of collective giving groups in the United States has boomed in the last five years, and they are only expected to continue growing?…
Resources As April 22nd is Earth Day, this month we are focusing on Massachusetts-based work to address climate change and environmental justice issues. We will also highlight current TPC Grantee organizations working…
Resources Advocacy includes more than you may think. Nonprofit organizations can play a critical role in shaping public opinion and advancing public policies. These organizations offer the perspective of truly understanding the…
Resources The Institute for Women’s Policy Research, a leading think tank that analyzes public policy through a gendered lens, defines the term “reproductive rights” on its website here. In Our Own Voice:…
A Statement of Solidarity and Action Our hearts break for the families of George Floyd, David McAtee, Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, Botham Jean, Atatiana Jefferson, Philando Castile, Sandra Bland, Eric Gardner, Tony McDade, and the countless…
Member Impact: Cheryl Katz of C&J Katz Studio and BEST Hospitality Training Member’s Design Expertise Meets Grantee’s Art Display Need When TPC member Cheryl Katz and her husband Jeffrey launched their design studio more…
The Interview with Joan Abbot, Interim Executive Director Part of the Family TPC and BEST have been “like family,” with TPC volunteers getting actively involved over the years in helping clients get…
April 2019: TPC participates in national forum on the future and sustainability of collective giving.
July 2018: Thanks to a recommendation from former Fellow Tatiana Joyce, former TPC President Susan Benford was featured in an in-depth interview that appeared on BostonVoyager.com. The interview provides a terrific description of TPC and its mission.
May 2017: We were honored that Sacha Pfeiffer of the Boston Globe interviewed Susan Benford.
October 2014: The Globe appreciated early on how important it is that TPC is educating the next generation of philanthropists
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