February 2020 Newsletter

The Link

February 2020

Why I’m A Member

“Young people don’t usually get a seat at the table where big decisions are made, but TPC’s fellowship changed that for me. I received not only a holistic and transparent view into how social projects get funded, but also exposure to experiences and people who helped me formulate my own perspective on what kind of philanthropic system we as a society should be working toward. After my fellowship ended, I opted to stay a member because TPC embodies the kind of system I believe is most effective – incorporating numerous and diverse voices, marrying rigorous debate and strong due diligence with tremendous compassion, and proving that even a little can go a long way when we come together.”

(Cassandra Trujillo, Alumna Fellow, TPC Board Member, Member since 2016)

All Hands on Deck!

Our most exciting event of the year – the Grant Awards & All-Member Meeting – is getting a little closer and the plans to make this one of the best ever evenings we’ve had are already taking shape. At this stage, there are more moving parts than there are hands to make sure they’re in the right place. Do you have some spare time to volunteer, either on the night of the event (May 28) or during the time we have between now and then? There are many jobs to be done, and no matter your skill level we’ll have something for you to do. Caroline Boeckman is organizing the event and would love to hear from you at: cboeckman@thephilanthropyconnection.org.

Will You Let Us Know…

…if your employer has a Corporate Social Responsibility department? If so, Val Basnight at valbeeboston@gmail.com would love to hear from you.

Other Upcoming Events:

Feb 27, Wellesley, 5:30 pm to 7:30 pm. Join grantee Project Citizenship for a donor reception to recognize our generous support of citizenship services. Please RSVP to iegan@projectcitizenship.org or call (857) 449-0065.

Mar 4, Brookline, 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm. Philanthropy Dialogue about “Community and Activism” with grantees Cambridge Women’s Center, Food Linkand FriendshipWorksIf you’re able to help with Food Link’s “Wish List” requests, that would be much appreciated. This event is full but a waitlist is available. Register

Mar 19, South End Boston, 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm. Connect the Dots. Register

Apr 15, Lincoln, 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm. Connect the Dots. Register


Yi-Chin and the boys (1)

Grantee Impact 1: Friends of the Children
Liaisons: Josephine Bottone and Antoniya Marinova

Josephine Bottone and Antoniya Marinova interviewed Yi-Chin Chen, the Executive Director of Friends of the Children-Boston.

Friends of the Children-Boston (FOTC) is an independent chapter of a nationwide organization dedicated to breaking the cycle of generational poverty through salaried, professional mentoring. The Boston chapter was founded as an independent 501c3 in Boston, Massachusetts, in 2004. The Friends of the Children-Boston’s mission is to create generational change by identifying children in Boston public schools facing the greatest risks and engaging them in transformative mentoring relationships. The relationship begins in kindergarten and lasts for 12½ years through high school graduation. Children are matched with FOTC’s professional mentors who work in their schools, homes, and communities to guide them to develop their greatest potential. (Read more…)


Paredy Pic

Grantee Impact 2: Justice at Work
Liaisons: Donna Davis and Taureen Green

Donna Davis recently interviewed JAW Associate Director Katelyn Parady at the agency’s Boston office.

Justice at Work (JAW) is a legal non-profit founded in 2011 that leverages the law to help immigrant worker centers and their members realize their rights and pursue dignity and justice. The organization has been a TPC grantee for the past two consecutive years. TPC also has helped JAW in various ways that extend beyond the grantor/grantee relationship, as illustrated below.

What services does JAW provide?

Our five-person staff focuses on supporting community worker centers, which are prevalent in immigrant communities. People in low-paying jobs often turn to these centers when they have a problem at work or want to learn how to fight exploitative conditions. But the centers don’t have any attorneys on staff, which is where we come in. (Read more…)

Member Impact: The Wily Network

TPC Volunteers, from left to right: Nicole O’Connor, Carol Reiling, Cheryl Wakeham (cleverly disguised as a non-TPC volunteer, Caroline Ryan), and Carrie Reber.
On the evening of February 4, several TPC members answered the call and helped with The Wily Network’s 2nd Annual Speaker Series. The event featured opportunities for a few of the Wily Scholars to address the large group of supporters assembled, including the recipient of the 2020 Wily Pack Award. This honor is given to the Scholar that makes the most of the resources and opportunities made available through the Network. This year’s winner, Isiah Myers, is a Northeastern University senior majoring in Political Science. Isiah hopes to work in the field of social justice when he graduates this May. The keynote speaker, YMCA President and CEO James O’S. Morton, told his own inspirational story of growing up in poverty, able to escape the cycle after receiving crucial help from three adults during his teen years. With not a little help from his extraordinary determination to change the trajectory of his life.

We volunteers helped with the meeting and greeting of attendees up to and including directing those arriving in cars to the best parking spots available. It was a cold night, so hats off (on?) to Carol Reiling and Cheryl Wakeham for their smiling, arm waving antics. A bit warmer were indoor greeters Caroline Reber and Nicole O’Connor, a prospective member who volunteered so she could get an up close look at TPC and one of our grantees in action. We were later able to enjoy the program, along with members Carol Berman and Ruth Ferguson, who for once were not volunteering for an event but were attendees.

Corporate Sponsor of
Philanthropy Dialogues:


Young Philanthropist
Initiative Sponsor:


Connect the Dots
Events Sponsor:


The Philanthropy Connection’s mission is to inspire and enable a community of women to learn, grow, and engage in collective giving to support nonprofit organizations that address systemic inequities impacting individuals and families within the greater Boston area.

Email: connect@thephilanthropyconnection.org
Phone: 617-544-7812

TPC members include all women who identify as cisgender, transgender, agender, gender queer, and femme. TPC welcomes everyone for whom “woman” is a meaningful identifier or experience.

TPC qualifies as a public charity under section 501(c)(3) for US tax purposes. Our EIN is #46-0665444.