June/July 2019 Newsletter

TPC Link

June/July 2019

Learn more about this year’s TPC Grantees

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
Though we are closing in on the middle of summer [please let Susan stay in denial], we’re still basking in the glow of the Grant Awards and All-Member Meeting. The success of the evening wouldn’t have been possible without the help of many, many hands. We on the Member Engagement Committee would like to extend a heartfelt “Thank You” to those individuals who helped make this year’s event a smashing success.

Of the many women who chipped in, a special thanks to the following volunteers who were helpful sounding boards, planners, and hard workers that evening: Susan Benford, Carol Berman, Josephine Bottone, Karen Brody, Erin Cooper, Linda Corinne, Bernice Cramer, Frankie Doolittle, Barbara Elfman, Sue Fish, Ilene Greenberg, Meghan Higgins, Maridee Kirwin, Sandy Lawrence, Leslie Levenson, Christine Nguyen, Elyse Pipitone, Susan Russell, Cheryl Wakeham, and Lilia Weisfeldt.

A special shout out to Caroline Boeckman, who coordinated and managed the entire meeting; Katie Sutton (https://www.klsuttondesign.com/) for her excellent design work, not only on our renewal card but also on TPC’s revamped website; Stephanie Kurzina for her follow through on our new membership commitment cards; Barbara Elfman for her concept, donation, and follow through on the ”Just One” pins; and Christine Nguyen for her roving photographer skills!A big thank you to Lora Farkas, Ilene Greenberg, Martha Bedell, and Cori Mykoff for sharing their notes from past years and for having laid out a great template to follow!

And, last but certainly not least, Photographer Michael Brook has donated his time to shoot the Grant Awards Meeting for the last few years. Thank you, Michael, for your generosity and professionalism. Members can visit Michael’s website to see more of his work at www.michaelbrookphotography.com.


Coming Soon: The Year of Doing

TPC is at the intersection of philanthropy and activism. Our programming for the upcoming year will focus on how we can further leverage our philanthropic power and how we can become activists.

Our Philanthropy Dialogues will center on:

  • Education and Activism;
  • Immigration and Activism;
  • Children and Activism; and
  • Community Service and Activism.

We are also planning for several Lunch and Learns as well as book discussions on topics of interest to TPC members. Our Volunteer Coordinator, Ruth Isaacs, has already begun working with our current and past grantees on volunteer opportunities that will allow members to get up close and personal with the communities we are helping to serve.

And, please don’t forget the importance of introducing new members to TPC. The best way to do this is to invite women you know to a Connect the Dots event, which will start up in the fall. Remember, if each member introduces and encourages Just One person to join TPC, we would guarantee our ability to grant $250,000 each year as well as keep the lights on.

The Member Engagement Committee will post as many fall dates to our website as quickly as possible and will provide information in the August/September Link and via email so you’ll be able to plan to attend.

We are looking forward to a rich and stimulating roster of events. We hope to see you there!



TPC’s Diversity Task Force

The recently published report, Changing Faces of Greater Boston [1], documents a seismic demographic shift between 1990 and 2017: in each of Greater Boston’s 147 cities and towns, non-white populations have surged, with immigrants of color driving this change. 

With this change in the composition of Boston comes the need for TPC to change so that our membership and leadership more closely mirror the population of Greater Boston.  As such, we want to share our past efforts and future plans toward attaining this goal. To date, TPC:

  • created a Diversity Task Force in 2016;
  • reviewed our grant documents, processes, and trainings for implicit bias, and reworked them where needed;  
  • increased by 50% the size of TPC’s outreach database of organizations notified of TPC funding.

Continue reading our article about TPC Diversity


Corporate Sponsor of
Philanthropy Dialogues:
Young Philanthropist
Initiative Sponsor:
Connect the Dots
Events Sponsor:

Copyright © 2019 The Philanthropy Connection. All rights reserved.

The Philanthropy Connection’s mission is to inspire and enable a community of women to learn, grow, and engage in collective giving to support nonprofit organizations that address systemic inequities impacting individuals and families within the greater Boston area.

Email: connect@thephilanthropyconnection.org
Phone: 617-544-7812

TPC members include all women who identify as cisgender, transgender, agender, gender queer, and femme. TPC welcomes everyone for whom “woman” is a meaningful identifier or experience.

TPC qualifies as a public charity under section 501(c)(3) for US tax purposes. Our EIN is #46-0665444.