Relevant Articles:
College Graduation Rate Rises Sharply for Boston High School Alumni
Giving Time to Schools Sometimes Beats Giving Money
Groups Work on Attracting Women Philanthropists
Bulk of Charitable Giving Not Earmarked for Poor
Chicago is Focus of National Debate on Schools
BUCKS – Happy to Spend on Others
Poor Students Struggle as Class Plays a Greater Role in Success
Information on Philanthropy:
Social Networks as an Anti-Poverty Strategy
Women Give 2010: New Research about Women and Giving
Louise Erdrich: “Advice to Myself”
Ron Padgett: “How to be Perfect”
Wendell Berry: “The Real Work”
Inspirational Quotes:
“For Barack, success isn’t about how much money you make, it’s about the difference you make in people’s lives” – Michelle Obama
“The opposite of good is not evil; the opposite of good is indifference” – Rabbi Abraham Heschel