Summer 2023 Newsletter

The Link

Summer 2023

Join us in welcoming our 10 newest grantees!

On Thursday, June 8, more than one hundred TPC members, grantees, and guests gathered at Wayfair in Boston to meet TPC’s ten new grant recipients. As our first in-person Grant Awards and All Member Meeting since 2019, it was a fantastic night full of engaging conversations and exciting grantee reveals. Don’t miss our photos from the evening on Facebook.

We extend a huge congratulations to our 2023-2024 grantees:

Please take a moment to watch their inspiring videos and gather a deeper understanding of their impactful work and the difference that TPC’s support is making. We also want to acknowledge the outstanding work of RIA, Inc., who will receive a second year of support from TPC as the recipient of last year’s Catalyst Grant.

We are grateful to many people who made such a celebration possible, including our grantees for their incredible impact on Greater Boston. We also want to thank Amanda Klein, TPC’s Administrator, for all the work she put into this event. And to thank Wayfair for generously sharing their space.

We would be remiss if we did not celebrate you! As Kelsea Médard, TPC Co-President, stated in June: “TPC is nothing without its members!” We could not be more grateful to TPC membership for every donation – whether that has come in the form of a financial contribution, an introduction to someone new, your engagement on a grant team, or your other volunteer work. All of the ways you engage as a member contribute to TPC awarding grants to deserving nonprofits. Thank you!



August 7-Day Racial Equity Challenge

Members, you’re invited to join our 7-Day Racial Equity Challenge, August 1 to August 7. This customized TPC offering is a self-guided learning journey to explore the history and impact of racism, with a focus on local examples. Over 50% of TPC members have participated in this exercise and found it so powerful that they couldn’t wait to share it with others. This challenge helps all of us at TPC deepen our commitment to racial equity.

You’ll receive daily emails with short articles, videos, action items, and reflection questions. You’ll also be assigned to a small group for discussions facilitated by a TPC member. Return participants are welcome to join and continue their learning journey.


TPC at Cisco Brewery: Discover the Power of Collective Philanthropy

Everyone is welcome to swing by the Seaport after work for an exciting evening of philanthropy, networking, and community engagement at Cisco Brewery. This event is open to women energized by our mission to engage in collective giving to support nonprofits addressing systemic inequities in the greater Boston area.

Whether this is your first TPC event or you simply want to meet more fellow members, this will be the perfect opportunity to gather with fellow service-oriented individuals who are passionate about making a difference. Network with those of all ages from a variety of professions and learn why our 200+ members find meaning in their membership.

Each registrant will receive a complimentary drink ticket upon arrival. We will also provide appetizers to keep you fueled throughout the evening. If you’re craving more, there will be a selection of fantastic food truck options for purchase.

We encourage you to bring along one, two, or even three (!) guests – particularly those who are interested in making a positive impact on their community. Together, we can create lasting change through collective philanthropy.

TPC welcomes everyone for whom “woman” is a meaningful identifier or experience.

Date: Wednesday, September 13, 2023  

Time: 5:30-7:30

Location: Cisco Brewery (85 Northern Ave, Boston, MA 02210)

Don’t miss out on this rewarding event at the Cisco Brewery!


Understanding Advocacy + Getting Involved

Since its inception 10 years ago, TPC has funded primarily direct service programs. Increasingly, the Board and many members have recognized that we need to explore how we – as an organization and as individual members – can address the underlying systemic inequities which have created the need for those programs. One answer is through advocacy – speaking up, speaking out, promoting systemic and sustainable change by educating lawmakers, supporting/opposing pending legislation, and urging regulatory agencies to apply rules fairly.

What can we do as an organization? Lots! And the TPC Board is looking at how we may want to take on some of that work.

What can we do as individual members? Even more! And each of us can start now. During the summer, you may want to give some thought to what you really care about. What drives your passions? 

  • Check out our grantees’ websites. How can you engage and advocate for the work they are doing? 
  • Find your state and US legislators and keep their emails and phone numbers available so that you can call or write to them about pending legislation you care about.  
  • Connect with groups that might have an advocacy day and join them at the State House.  There are many organizations like YW Boston, which engages in advocacy by publishing information about pending state legislation they support. Check out their website – maybe there will be something you want to support, too. 

TPC member Pat McSweeney recently led an advocacy workshop to help us understand what is permissible and what are the limits of advocacy work for 501c(3) nonprofits like TPC, as well as how to personally advocate. The workshop will be offered again in the fall (date to be determined) and we urge you to attend. And, stay tuned in future newsletters where we will explore advocacy further.

As Martin Luther King, Jr said: “Philanthropy is commendable, but it must not cause the philanthropist to overlook the circumstances of economic injustice which make philanthropy necessary.”

Become a Mentor for Minds Matter Boston!

Former grantee Minds Matter Boston is offering an incredible opportunity for TPC members to become mentors and make a lasting impact on students’ lives. As a mentor, you will play a crucial role in guiding and supporting high school students on their journey to college success.

Mentoring is at the core of Minds Matter Boston’s vision for change. Each student is matched with two volunteer mentors who provide ongoing support, challenge, and celebration throughout their academic and personal development.

As a mentor, you will work in triads with your co-mentor and student, following the Minds Matter curriculum. This curriculum helps students develop the essential hard and soft skills necessary for college success. Your commitment is to stay with your student for the entire three-year program, forming a strong foundation for their Minds Matter experience. Valerie, a TPC member, and current MMB mentor, shares, “A 3-year commitment may seem daunting, but the time and effort required of me are relatively light. In return, I have the privilege of being inspired every single week by an amazing young woman whose hard work and commitment are nothing short of exceptional.”

For more information and to sign up as a mentor, please visit Minds Matter Boston’s website or email TPC member Valerie.

The Philanthropy Connection’s mission is to inspire and enable a community of women to learn, grow, and engage in collective giving to support nonprofit organizations that address systemic inequities impacting individuals and families within the greater Boston area.

Phone: 617-544-7812

TPC members include all women who identify as cisgender, transgender, agender, gender queer, and femme. TPC welcomes everyone for whom “woman” is a meaningful identifier or experience.

TPC qualifies as a public charity under section 501(c)(3) for US tax purposes. Our EIN is #46-0665444.