Upcoming TPC Grantee Events
BEST Hospitality Training
Student graduations (Dudley Square site)
BEST hosts job seeker training graduation events about four times a year, usually in the spring/summer. Graduations generally fall on a Friday at midday.
Mock Banquet (Medford near Wellington T Station)
At the end of March 2018 BEST will host another Mock Banquet designed to allow students completing a 70-hour intensive class in banquet service to use their new skills, enabling them to be better prepared to obtain work as banquet servers at partner hotels. BEST has invited TPC members to play the role of guest in this simulated banquet, during which we will be served a three-course meal…some real, some made of paper, and several wine varietals…made of water!
Contact: Joan Abbot (jabbot@BESThtc.org)
Boston CASA
We are already planning for our 7th Annual Gala, which will take place in the fall of 2018. If you have event planning experience and can bring fresh ideas to the table, we would welcome your help a few hours a month.
Contact: Charles Lerner (charles@bostoncasa.org)
Daily Table
No current events.
Contact: Carolyn Brunis Luc (cluc@dailytable.org)
Doc Wayne Youth Services
No current events.
Contact: Katie Ardrey (kardrey@docwayne.org)
Friends of the Children
Annual Friend Raiser (May 3, 2018)
Help us recruit attendees and to secure auction items for this event
Open Houses and House Parties occur during the year. We’ll update these events as dates become known.
Contact: Stacy DellOrfano (stacy@friendsboston.org)
Friends of the Children’s Full Wish List
Latino STEM Alliance
Robotics Competition/Exhibition (Saturday, May 19, 2018)
Students showcase their skills and learning to their families and community members.
Field trips to local STEM oriented companies and organizations that can teach students and parents about STEM careers and opportunities.
Contact: Sarah Abramson (sabramson@latinostem.org)
Louis D. Brown Peace Institute
Annual Mother’s Day Walk for Peace (May 13, 2018)
Contact: Rachel Rodrigues (rachel@ldbpeaceinstitute.org)
Peace Institute’s Full Wish List
Political Asylum/Immigration Representation (PAIR) Project
Each June, PAIR hosts a gala to honor its clients, pro bono attorneys, interpreters, and supporters. Need help to prepare and to do outreach.
Contact: Anita P. Sharma (asharma@pairproject.org)
Refugee and Immigrant Assistance Center
No current events.
Resilient Coders
Bootcamp Graduation
Bootcamp graduates invite family and friends to share in the celebration of their completion of the program.
Field trips to local tech companies so that students can hear about jobs using coding. These are generally to companies that might hire the students.
Contact: David Delmar (david@resilientcoders.org)