… Ms. Susan Benford, MBA
Susan is truly a Renaissance Woman, one of those rare humans whose left and right sides of her brain are equally developed. She’s a systematic, analytical thinker who becomes genuinely happy when faced with a tough problem to solve; the tougher the issue, the more fun she has. (Thus, I predict she will be VERY happy in her new TPC role). She’s also an artist, and with that comes creative thinking.
Susan has had plenty of opportunities to flex both her MBA and artist muscles as a TPC Board member this year, serving as co-chair of both the Education & Engagement Programs and Young Philanthropist Conference committees.
Susan and the Education & Engagement Committee
You can read Susan’s official bio, but here’s what you need to know about her: She gets things done. We thank our lucky stars that she joined TPC in year one, and has volunteered her considerable talents to our mission.
In her new role, Susan will be keeping TPC running, overseeing our day-to-day operations. I will remain in the role of Board Chair – and very much look forward to working closely with Susan to usher TPC into the next phase of our development.
Welcome, Madam President, Susan Benford!