April 2018 Newsletter

The Link

April 2018

Learn more about TPC’s 2017-2018 Grantees

Save the Date!

We are pleased to announce that on the evening of Wednesday, June 13 from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm we will host a special Philanthropy Dialogue, “Giving Until It Feels Good”: Bill Cummings Shares His Model of Entrepreneurial Philanthropy.

Bill Cummings of Cummings Properties has become known as a leading philanthropist as much as a Boston-area commercial real estate magnate, and the two are not mutually exclusive, as Bill shares in his memoir, “Starting Small and Making It Big: An Entrepreneur’s Journey to Billion-Dollar Philanthropist.” In discussing the book with TPC members, our guests, and our grantees, Bill will describe how his business philosophy has ultimately governed his giving practices and the establishment of Cummings Foundation, which has awarded more than $200 million in grant funding to non-profits in Greater Boston, as well as internationally.

We are delighted to note that Cummings Foundation and TPC share similar missions, evidenced by the 15 overlapping non-profits we have supported over the last few years.
To maximize learning and engagement, please consider purchasing and reading in advance“Starting Small,” which is available for purchase at your local bookstore or online. Additionally, copies of the book will be available at the event for both purchase and signing. All proceeds from book purchases at the event will be graciously donated to TPC by Cummings Foundation. We hope you are able to be part of this community of giving for what promises to be an enlightening and educational evening with Bill and his wife Joyce. A formal invitation for this event, which will be held in Woburn, will follow soon.

What We Do and Why

TPC’s Fellowship Program is a competitive application process that provides sponsored memberships for young philanthropists so that they, too, are able to experience the power and impact of collective giving. In return, Fellows assume leadership positions by serving on a grant team, working on a committee, and helping run our Philanthropy Dialogues and Connect the Dots events. It’s a win all around… and with nine Fellows this year, TPC must raise $5,175 to fund these memberships.

What is the impact of this program? Read what Fellow Leigh Chandler says:

TPC, and especially its Fellows program, illustrates that philanthropy is about more than money – philanthropy is a wholesome philosophy and practice for anyone who cares to donate her time and energy. This fellowship opportunity has provided me the opportunity to delve into the world of philanthropy and to quickly learn about Boston’s wealth of organizations. Fellows take on additional responsibilities – and we rise to the challenge, taking leadership within our committees and organizing events to educate our peers. I am grateful to be in a group of people with such diverse backgrounds and expertise. Our fellowship meetings and the day-long retreat help to energize me to get more involved – in my professional life, with non-profits in Boston, and with TPC!

Thank you, Leigh, for so eloquently explaining what we do and why! And thank you to our outstanding group of Fellows for their numerous contributions that strengthen TPC as a whole and, most important, help to further the work of our grantees.

Please consider donating to fund a TPC Fellow today.


Grantee Impact: Latino STEM Alliance
TPC Liaisons: Karen Brody and Kim KossmannLatino STEM Alliance (LSA) inspires and empowers underserved youth from all backgrounds to achieve educational and career success in the fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). Karen Brody met recently with Bill Allan and Emily Shamieh to talk about the work they are doing to further the mission of LSA.Please tell us about yourselves and the roles you play at LSA.

Bill Allan: I was formerly on the Board of LSA and am currently serving as the Interim Executive Director, while LSA searches for a new ED. I am very involved with a variety of non-profit organizations after working in the high tech field for 30 years.

Continue LSA Interview by Karen Brody


Member Impact: Survey Results… and Answers

Thanks to input from 60% of TPC’s members, we’ve begun to parse through what is on your mind. Two of the recurring questions asked were how members who are not able or interested in participating on a grants team can connect with other members, and how members can have more direct contact with our grantees. Following are some answers we hope you find helpful.

Because TPC is volunteer-run (with the exception of Alison, our extraordinary part-time administrator) and we have a working Board, we are always on the lookout for members who have the time and skills to help with grantee and TPC initiatives. Though not a full accounting of the many opportunities available, here are a few examples of some key areas where we say, Help Wanted!

How you can connect (and help)…


Corporate Sponsor of Philanthropy Dialogues:

Copyright © 2018 The Philanthropy Connection. All rights reserved.
Contact email: connect@thephilanthropyconnection.org

The Philanthropy Connection’s mission is to inspire and enable a community of women to learn, grow, and engage in collective giving to support nonprofit organizations that address systemic inequities impacting individuals and families within the greater Boston area.

Email: connect@thephilanthropyconnection.org
Phone: 617-544-7812

TPC members include all women who identify as cisgender, transgender, agender, gender queer, and femme. TPC welcomes everyone for whom “woman” is a meaningful identifier or experience.

TPC qualifies as a public charity under section 501(c)(3) for US tax purposes. Our EIN is #46-0665444.