August/September 2017 Newsletter

Greetings to you, with a sincere hope that you have enjoyed a memorable summer. I want to thank all who volunteered their talent and time this summer to be sure that TPC ushers in the fall with a bang. You’ve received invitations to our exciting Connect the Dots events that will be held in novel venues, as well as to the Young Philanthropist workshop and our first Philanthropy Dialogue (see event list below). Our 2017-18 grants calendar is set, with team sign-up starting in mid October. Given the overwhelming interest in volunteering that was expressed via the member survey, it looks like summer’s momentum will carry into the fall.

Along with all of this activity in September, we will roll out a new website with a fresh look and a “Members Only” section; finish staffing all committees; and, most critically, focus in earnest on recruiting new members. As we near our 5-year anniversary, we are also approaching a significant TPC milestone: if we are able to again award $25,000 grants to 10 exceptional non-profits in June 2018, we will have cumulatively awarded over $1,000,000 to almost 40 local non-profits. That is the power of collective giving! If you are energized by that power, please share it by inviting your friends or colleagues to one of our upcoming Connect the Dots events. Remember, too, that one lucky member who renews by October 15 will be randomly selected to give an additional $1,000 to a current grantee, a tough but worthy choice.

I look forward to connecting with you this fall and to sharing another rewarding year of TPC with you.

Susan Benford
President, The Philanthropy Connection

Upcoming TPC Events…

Connect the Dots: Engineered to Engage Curious Minds
September 13 at the Waterworks Museum in Boston

Learn. Lead. Advocate: A Toolkit for Women in Philanthropy 
September 16 at the Microsoft NERD Center in Cambridge

TPC’s Philanthropy Dialogue with Chuck Collins 
September 19 at the home of a TPC member in Belmont

Connect the Dots: Foster Care in the Spotlight 
October 3 at the Coolidge Corner Theater in Brookline


Grantee Impact: School on Wheels of Massachusetts (SOWMA)

We’re featuring former grantee SOWMA, who recently provided their 1000th backpack to one of many of the back-to-school children otherwise unable to start the year with adequate supplies. TPC’s grant of $30,000 helped fund the development of a strategic plan and supported their High School Plus program, which helps fill gaps in financial aid, and their College Mentor program, which recruits, trains, and supports volunteers to serve as mentors for their students. (Read more)

Member Impact

Have you ever thought of yourself as an ambassador for TPC? Many of our members, like Julie Corwin, joined TPC because an ambassador started a conversation…

“I was having lunch with Jamie Barth and mentioned that I needed to get more involved and give back and this is the year to make it happen. Jamie said, ‘You need to join TPC,’ and went on to tell me that it’s an amazing group of women who pool their donations together in order to have lasting impact through grant giving. I was thrilled to hear of the model to give locally to high-impact areas, yet with growing organizations that are often providing a much-needed service to the community…” (Read more)

Young Philanthropists Update

<On a beautiful Sunday in July, two dozen Young Philanthropists, Fellows, and Board members gathered at the home of Susan Benford for a potluck to discuss TPC’s upcoming year and to learn more about volunteer opportunities for members 35 years old and under. It was a fun afternoon of bonding, learning, eating, and croquet! (Read more)


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Copyright © 2017 The Philanthropy Connection. All rights reserved.
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The Philanthropy Connection’s mission is to inspire and enable a community of women to learn, grow, and engage in collective giving to support nonprofit organizations that address systemic inequities impacting individuals and families within the greater Boston area.

Phone: 617-544-7812

TPC members include all women who identify as cisgender, transgender, agender, gender queer, and femme. TPC welcomes everyone for whom “woman” is a meaningful identifier or experience.

TPC qualifies as a public charity under section 501(c)(3) for US tax purposes. Our EIN is #46-0665444.