May 2018 Newsletter

TPC Link

May 2018

Learn more about TPC’s 2017-2018 Grantees

Thank you, Center for Women and Wealth at Brown Brothers Harriman!

TPC is so appreciative of the underwriting we have received from the Center for Women and Wealth, which is funding our Philanthropy Dialogues. These educational events inform our members about specific, pressing topics in the Greater Boston philanthropic landscape, introduce members to current and alumna grantees, and spur many women to donate their time and talents to these organizations, amplifying the impact of our grant-making. Thank you for this vital partnership!

And welcome, Hemenway & Barnes, LLP!

We are thrilled to announce that Hemenway & Barnes is sponsoring TPC’s Young Philanthropist Initiative, the programming and activities that promote teaching the next generation of philanthropists. These young women, 35 years old and younger, constitute 20% of TPC’s membership. Thanks to this generous underwriting, our Young Philanthropist Initiative will continue to be the largest such program in the country. We are grateful that Hemenway & Barnes has joined our team in this vital mission.

Things You Should Know…

We’ve had a terrific response thus far for attending the May 31 Grant Awards and All Member Meeting. We’re very near the point where the Newton Fire Department may need to send someone over to make sure we haven’t exceeded capacity. If you join others who renew their membership at or prior to the meeting, they may show up anyway given the brilliant sparkly light emanating from the special thank-you bauble you’ll receive. There’s still room, but register today to avoid the wait list for our most exciting, satisfying event!

A Special Philanthropy Dialogue. “You don’t have to be wealthy to make a difference.” The words of Bill Cummings resonate because they mirror TPC’s belief that anyone can be a philanthropist. Please join us on June 13 for a Philanthropy Dialogue at which Bill Cummings will discuss his book “Starting Small and Making It Big: An Entrepreneur’s Journey to Billion-Dollar Philanthropist,” and his model for entrepreneurial philanthropy. Guests are welcome – RSVP now.

All members are welcome to join the YPs on June 16 from 9:00-12:00 for a Volunteer Day to support former TPC grantee Catie’s Closet. TPC members will be checking and sorting clothing and toiletries collected during CC’s Donation Day that will later be distributed to students in need at local schools. Spaces are limited, so register today!

Read All About It! Provide Boston Globe advertising to our grantees! The Boston Globe has announced GRANT (Globe Readers And Non-profits Together), a community initiative that allows Globe subscribers to help deserving non-profits earn free advertising space. Each subscriber has a $100 voucher (for print subscriptions) or a $25 voucher (for digital subscriptions) to donate to favorite non-profits…and we know you have yours!  Last year, over $3 million in free ad space was donated to local non-profits. Here’s how to help… (read more…)


What We Do and Why

Last month we featured the TPC Fellows program and told you a little bit about how these young women are not only learning about philanthropy, but also how they contribute so meaningfully to our grantees and the TPC community. This month we are very pleased to introduce you to the five new Fellows who were chosen from an amazing pool of applicants.

Cassandra Trujillo, who coordinated the Fellows application effort, sent these comments about the selection process for Fellows. It’s a solid reminder of what we do and why.

I am really proud that diversity was not something we had to work to balance. When we went through the candidates who were rated most highly, we finished with a cohort that was diverse among multiple dimensions without any need to “engineer” the outcome. This is not surprising – there exist incredibly strong and philanthropically-minded women from all backgrounds – but I do think it speaks to the strength of our recruiting process and the incredible networks that have been introduced to TPC, and vice versa. I also think it’s worth calling out because we still live in a society where some question whether people of color are truly qualified or are simply “diversity candidates.” Each of our new Fellows is a clear, amazing reflection of the new class: women who bring both diversity to the group and also are the most qualified – almost intimidatingly qualified – choices. I am so excited for us to welcome them to the TPC community.

We invite you to introduce yourself to these dynamic young women at the May 31 Grant Awards and All Member Meeting. We also encourage you to sponsor TPC’s Fellows program, which requires additional funding of $5,175 to cover membership costs.


Grantee Impact: BEST Hospitality Training
TPC Liaisons: Linda Corinne and Erin Rodat-Savla

Erin Rodat-Savla met with Joan Abbot (pictured right), Assistant Director of BEST Hospitality Training to learn more about the organization behind the concept of “Good Jobs. Better Lives.”Founded in 2006, Boston Education, Skills & Training (BEST) focuses on workforce development for well-paying jobs within the hospitality industry. BEST Hospitality Training combines worker training designed to meet the labor needs of hotel partners and the personal and professional goals of UNITE HERE Local 26 members. Classes include English for Hospitality, computers, and citizenship prep, as well as certification skills training in On-Call Banquet Server, Basic Culinary Skills, Food Safety, CPR, and more. Career coaches help under-and unemployed participants get quality jobs in partner hotels. Pre-employment students enroll in the Introduction to Hospitality Training Program.
Interview with Joan Abbot of BEST


Member Impact 1: Yasmin Causer

We are very pleased to pass along the news that TPC member Yasmin Causer was recently appointed to the board of USA for UNHCR. UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, helps and protects refugees and people displaced by violence, conflict, and persecution.

Yasmin, a Partner with KLR Private Client Services Group, shares, “I am honored and humbled to become a board member of USA for UNHCR. So many people need our help, and I am eager to help and play a direct role in assisting refugees rebuild their lives and give them a chance for a better life.”


Member Impact 2: Louis D. Brown Peace Institute

Team TPC joined thousands of others in the Louis D. Brown Peace Institute Mother’s Day Walk for Peace. We’d like to thank our members who walked and those who contributed to support the Peace Institute’s work, raising nearly $2,000 for the Institute. It was truly inspiring to walk with so many people who have lost a loved one to violence or been the victims of trauma, yet carry on with optimism and determination to help others heal. (Team TPC, in action, can be seen at the 1:36 mark of NECN’s video coverage of the event.)



Corporate Sponsor of
Philanthropy Dialogues:
Young Philanthropist
Initiative Sponsor:
Connect the Dots
Events Sponsor:

Copyright © 2018 The Philanthropy Connection. All rights reserved.
Contact email:

The Philanthropy Connection’s mission is to inspire and enable a community of women to learn, grow, and engage in collective giving to support nonprofit organizations that address systemic inequities impacting individuals and families within the greater Boston area.

Phone: 617-544-7812

TPC members include all women who identify as cisgender, transgender, agender, gender queer, and femme. TPC welcomes everyone for whom “woman” is a meaningful identifier or experience.

TPC qualifies as a public charity under section 501(c)(3) for US tax purposes. Our EIN is #46-0665444.