January 2018 Newsletter



Volunteer Opportunities…

Special Speaking Engagement…

We are very pleased to tell you that on the morning of February 7, Marla Felcher, Co-Founder of TPC, will be participating in the Gonson Lecture Series at the Cambridge Center for Adult Education. Marla’s topic, “Money Well-Spent: Philanthropy from $100 to $100,000,” will address the bedrock TPC principle that anyone can be a philanthropist, and then move on to an overview of the local non-profit landscape. Participants will hear Marla’s thoughts about methods for evaluating the effectiveness of today’s non-profit organizations with the goal that each will be able to identify his or her own personal philanthropic sweet spot and have the tools to act upon this new-found knowledge. The talk begins at 11:00 and will end at 12:30. Reserve your $5 tickets soon.

Other Things You Should Know …

The time has come for the grand opening of the second location for TPC grantee Daily Table! If you’re in the neighborhood, please stop by the new Roxbury store in Dudley Square (2201 Washington St.) on the morning of January 19. The doors open at 9:00 a.m., just after the official ribbon-cutting ceremony. If you can’t be there, Cynthia Andre and Cheryl Wakeham recently attended Daily Table’s reception for supporters and took a tour of the new store; we invite you to take a brief, virtual tour.

On February 26 the Young Philanthropist Fellowship Application will be available on our website. Read more about our Fellowship benefits and responsibilities, and meet our current class of Fellows. Think about someone you know who may be interested in applying.

Have you visited our new member portal, the Members Only section of our website? A new feature is the Member Directory, which allows TPC members to connect with one another discretely, yet discreetly. You can also read the year-end reports from our 2016-2017 grantees, and learn firsthand what your support has meant to each of them.

Speaking of the website, we have a new web page available that consolidates Upcoming TPC Grantee Events for easy reference. We’ve also updated several of our grantees’ Wish Lists… maybe there’s a wish you can help make come true.

Save the date for a Connect the Dots event in Boston! We will meet on the evening of March 6, and will focus on recruiting Young Philanthropists (members 35 years old and under). More details to come, but in the meantime, think about a friend or two you can bring along.

We are very sorry to report the sad news that Pamela Watson-Hogan passed away on December 26 after a long, hard-fought battle. Pamela was known to many of you through her involvement with TPC, especially via her work with the Grants Committee. We will miss her can-do spirit and her dedication.


Grantee Impact 1: Resilient Coders
TPC Liaisons: Cynthia Andre and Bridget Dunn

Resilient Coders is an intensive, immersive, all-day non-profit coding bootcamp that trains people from traditionally underserved communities, providing them with the technical skills they need to be competitive and successful in today’s workforce. TPC liaisons Cynthia Andre and Bridget Dunn were pleased to interview Resilient Coders founder David Delmar about his experiences, the organization, and the role TPC can play in helping Resilient Coders succeed.

Interview with David Delmar of Resilient Coders


Grantee Impact 2: Refugee & Immigrant Assistance Center
TPC Liaisons: Ellen Giannuzzi and Ellen Seidensticker

The Refugee & Immigrant Assistance Center (RIAC) was founded in 1991 as the Somali Women and Children’s Association. RIAC’s mission is to promote cultural, educational, and socioeconomic development in the refugee and immigrant community. To that end, the organization provides refugees, asylees, and immigrants with resettlement, case management, counseling, outreach, and education services. It has offices in Boston, Lynn, and Worcester. Ellen Seidensticker spoke with Miriam Gas, Executive Director, and Sadia Fadil, Program Manager, to bring you more of RIAC’s story.

Interview with Miriam Gas and Sadia Fadil of RIAC 

Lead Corporate Partner:   

Copyright © 2018 The Philanthropy Connection. All rights reserved.
Contact email: connect@thephilanthropyconnection.org

The Philanthropy Connection’s mission is to inspire and enable a community of women to learn, grow, and engage in collective giving to support nonprofit organizations that address systemic inequities impacting individuals and families within the greater Boston area.

Email: connect@thephilanthropyconnection.org
Phone: 617-544-7812

TPC members include all women who identify as cisgender, transgender, agender, gender queer, and femme. TPC welcomes everyone for whom “woman” is a meaningful identifier or experience.

TPC qualifies as a public charity under section 501(c)(3) for US tax purposes. Our EIN is #46-0665444.